Jasmine Mansbridge

Jasmine is a professional practicing artist whose work is best described as the meeting of exploration and refinement. Jasmine has taken her art to a number of mediums – sculpture, large-scale public works, intimate paintings for private collection and now NFT’s. She is not afraid to venture outside an established comfort zone.

Whatever her choice of art form, Mansbridge brings a refined and meticulous hand to the work; her deliberation and contemplation are evident at all times. The work provokes thought and wonder and gives the viewer the chance to apply their personal storytelling, as they unpack the geometry and portals of Mansbridge’s imagined world.

From the physical to the world of NFT’s Jasmine Mansbridge is worth collecting today or at the very least keeping an eye on a very possible superstar of tomorrow!


  • Jasmine Mansbridge – Fault lines of fate
  • Jasmine Mansbridge – Sliding doors
  • Jasmine Mansbridge – Seeing through walls
  • Jasmine Mansbridge – Beam me up
  • Jasmine Mansbridge – Strike me twice
  • Jasmine Mansbridge – Spine shivers, Moon quivers, swallowed hollow tears
  • Jasmine Mansbridge – Go where the love is (NFT)
  • Jasmine Mansbridge – My Bird, My Sword, My Shield, Pulled Through The Eye of the Needle (diptych)
  • Jasmine Mansbridge – Never Never Land
  • Jasmine Mansbridge – Catch me while you can
  • Jasmine Mansbridge – You breathed life into my bones
  • Jasmine Mansbridge – Don’t go gently
  • Jasmine Mansbridge – State of the Wise
  • Jasmine Mansbridge – Return to Never Never Land
  • Jasmine Mansbridge – Apollo vs Dionysus